Saturday, August 16, 2008

I need your help, what would you do?

It's feedback time:

You are a woman who either works from home or stays home with your children. The doorbell rings at 11:30am. You answer the door to a man in his late 20's-early 30's and he announces that he is a "tutor" and do you have any children that might need some tutoring. Your neighbor saw him parked outside her home the day before and when she got out of her car and looked directly at him he drove away. What would you say to this man????


  1. I would say, nope---no kids here! They are my sisters from Tanzania...and then I would get his license number and call the cops!!!!

    Oh my gosh...what did you do?

  2. Let's add more to the story. Seems Mr. Tutor gets a little upset/defensive when he is told there are no stupid kids here for you to tutor. Srsly people, what would you do???

  3. NO Srsly............ my kids are so gifted they teach me how to do math. didn't I tell you they are going to Harvard.
    But srsly......... i would try and get some infor and then call the cops.

  4. I would probably seriously freak out, shut and lock the door and then call the cops. People give me the heebies.

    We have a no soliciting sign by our front helps but doesn't stop things.

    I need to blog about that! gotta tell us what you did??? I'm dying here!

  5. I would probably seriously freak out, shut and lock the door and then call the cops. People give me the heebies.

    We have a no soliciting sign by our front helps but doesn't stop things.

    I need to blog about that! gotta tell us what you did??? I'm dying here!

  6. I never would have opened my door-but I am weird like that
